Net-Worm.Win32.Kido Remover
In Antivirus Pro / Internet Security
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
A small tool that will erase Kido Worm from your system.
The Net-Worm.Win32.Kido Remover is a small tool that will erase Kido Worm from your system.
Symptoms of network infection:
- Network traffic volume increases if there are infected PCs in the network, because network attack starts from these PCs.
- Anti-Virus (AVG Anti-Virus Pro) product with enabled Intrusion Detection System informs of the attack Intrusion.Win.NETAPI.buffer-overflow.exploit
When the scan is over an active window of the command prompt may be displayed on your computer monitor, in order to minimize the window press any button. For the window of the command prompt to close automatically it is recommended to run the utility KidoKiller.exe with the the parameter –y